Thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent emails, texts, and calls from scammers pretending to be their bank, family member, or friends in order to obtain personal banking information. In honor of October being National Cybersecurity Month, we will be sharing tips from The American Bankers Association's (ABA) #BanksNeverAskThat campaign, which provides tips on how to defend yourself against online scammers and phishing.

We are committed to your education about cybersecurity and keeping our communities safe. For this reason, we will share ABA's tips to help protect you throughout the month of October.

Tip One
Fake bank messages are the most reported text scams. Here are 5 clues it’s not really your bank behind the screen. #BanksNeverAskThat

Tip Two
Banks won't ask for your PIN in a call or text, either. That, friends, is a scammer move. Get more tips here.

Tip Three
The “Pay Yourself” scam is on the rise. See if you can outsmart scammers with this phishing quiz.